WCE Wilton Continuing Education

STEAM Adventures!

  • Tuesday: 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM
    Wednesday: 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM
    Thursday: 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM
    Friday: 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM
  • 6/17 – 6/20
  • Sessions: 4
12 Seats Available


Back by popular demand: STEAM Adventures Summer Camp! One week only!

Does your child enjoy solving problems through unique hands-on learning opportunities? This exciting program incorporates a variety of activities that will develop their curiosity through exploration and discovery. Students will uncover the engineer within by participating in the 3 Little Pigs Building Experiment, Create your own Doll/Robot and code a vocal database using Scratch!, Circuit Boards, Music Making. Students will roll up their sleeves and construct Tall Towers and Crazy Catapults and then knock them down. Budding scientists will build Water Globes, experiment with VIscosity and Fluidity, and mix and test Invisible Ink to write secret messages.

Math appreciation will be enhanced through the use of symmetry and angles utilized in these fun projects; Reflection Art, Weaving and Award-Winning Paper Airplanes as well as through measurement with Galaxy Slime. Critical thinking will be cultivated via a variety of coding platforms such as; Code Monkey, Code a Dance Party and Scratch. Bonus projects include but are not limited to: OZOBots, Drones, Cubetto Robot Programming. This program is sure to jumpstart any child’s mind as they navigate their way into summer.

* All materials are included in the class fee.*

Please bring a nut free lunch, snacks, beverages & water bottle each day. Popsicle (with permission) provided on the last day!

* Program dates may be adjusted depending on snow days/last day of school to Wed - Fri, June 18 - 20 from 9am - 5pm.*

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  • Class Fee $420
Total: $420